by Javier Alcina

Duración: 1 fin de semana (viernes-domingo) | Próxima convocatoria: Febrero 2025

This new golden age of television we are experiencing, and the popularity of American films is reflected on the quality of content and the continuous impact from streaming platforms such as Netflix, HBO, Amazon, etc. There is a constant demand for material that can be exported to as many countries as possible.

Castings for projects in the English language are more common every day and actors should be ready for such opportunities. Acting in a foreign language requires a lot of practice so it's important for actors to start training as soon as possible and continue doing so on a constant basis.


  • Learn to create a Simple Analysis to save time and energy.
  • Find out how to apply specific thoughts to each line of text.
  • Rehearse and shoot a scene from an American/British tv show/film in its original language.
  • Familiarize yourself with some key concepts from a great variety of acting techniques (Meisner, Stella Adler, Stanislavski, Lesly Kahn, Tony Barr, Patsy Rodenburg, etc): the pinch & the ouch, non-transferable imagination, creation and manipulation of invented memories, clarity of thought, text analysis, locating stimulus, the dramatic chain, circles of concentration, etc.
  • Discover a very effective memorization exercise.
  • Simplify the acting process avoiding unnecessary complications.
  • Identify genre and stay in genre.
  • Identify and implement the internal rhythm of an emotion.
  • Experience a truly immersive filming process in English, from theoretical aspects, to rehearsals, shooting and finally analyzing the result.

The scenes will be sent out to students in advance to be fully memorized BEFORE the workshop

Please note that this course will be taught completely in English.

Monólogo interpretado por Katie McHenry, grabado en el Film Acting Workshop con Javier Alcina.


  • FECHAS: V28 febrero, S1 y D2 marzo 2025.
  • HORARIO: Viernes 16h a 20h, sábado y domingo de 10h a 14h (1 hora más cada día con más de 12 alumnos).
  • NIVEL: Todos los niveles Necesario un nivel alto de inglés.
  • PRECIO: € 200.-
  • REQUISITOS: Selección por CV y fotografía (incluir en el formulario de inscripción o enviar por email a
  • PLAZAS LIMITADAS: 16 participantes máx. (Mínimo 8).

Al finalizar el taller se entrega copia del material grabado.


Javier Alcina Profesorado Central De Cine
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